
This was everything I had been hoping for since I had first come to work for the company as a contractor almost three years before. So why was I not jumping for joy at the prospect?

One Bite

When I was eighteen, my grandparents decided to take me to England. When they told me, Grandpa added one condition:
“I want you to take one bite of everything that’s put in front of you. It’s okay if you don’t like it, but it’s important you take one bite.”

Chile en Nogada: Stuffed Poblano Chiles with Walnut Sauce

I’ve been reading “Like Water for Chocolate,” a wonderful story about love and cooking by Laura Esquivel. It inspired me to become creative in the kitchen once more. With the support of my darling “Doña Elizabyth”, I chose to recreate the recipes in this magnificent novel. The first dish I challenged myself to make was…

Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar Part 2

In part one of this particular journey, my darling and I had the luxury of enjoying some of THE BEST oysters in Seattle at Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar. Our culinary adventure was  now about to take us to new heights, as we were about to be treated to a oyster / single malt scotch pairing.

Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar Part 1

We arrived on a Friday afternoon after a leisurely drive up from Portland. We saw the sign first, welcoming us to what would be a mollusk seduction of epic proportions.