Belated Honeymoon Part 2: Mexican Riviera Cruise (at Sea)

Our entire commute from the Queen Mary to our next destination took all of ten minutes – of which half of that time was spent waiting for an elevator to take us from the lobby on the third floor to the ground level. So not only did we arrive fresh and stress-free, we were also…

Belated Honeymoon Part 1: Queen Mary (Long Beach)

When my Darling and I got married, we had planned a honeymoon cruise. Unfortunately life has a habit of throwing curve balls every so often and we ended up postponing our honeymoon until sometime in the future. Today we finally set off on a belated, but oh so much better, honeymoon cruise to the Mexican…

One Bite

When I was eighteen, my grandparents decided to take me to England. When they told me, Grandpa added one condition:
“I want you to take one bite of everything that’s put in front of you. It’s okay if you don’t like it, but it’s important you take one bite.”

Morton’s Steakhouse

It was the night of the Opera. My darling and I had tickets to Sweeney Todd and we were making a night of it. Before the Opera was dinner at Morton’s The Steakhouse. Morton’s got their start in Chicago more than thirty-five years ago and has grown to over 69 restaurants all over the world….

Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar Part 2

In part one of this particular journey, my darling and I had the luxury of enjoying some of THE BEST oysters in Seattle at Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar. Our culinary adventure was  now about to take us to new heights, as we were about to be treated to a oyster / single malt scotch pairing.

Taylor Shellfish Oyster Bar Part 1

We arrived on a Friday afternoon after a leisurely drive up from Portland. We saw the sign first, welcoming us to what would be a mollusk seduction of epic proportions.